• What are the Types of Fertility Medications?

    Fertility medications can be used as part of an in vitro fertilization (IVF) process, or even if you’re simply looking to increase your chances of conceiving. Although fertility medications alone won’t help you get pregnant, they may help when combined with fertility treatments such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF). Find out more about the different types of fertility medication and how they work below.

    How Do Doctors Determine the Best Method for Me?
    Doctors will ask you many questions about your medical history and health concerns. This information will help them decide which method is best for you. The following medications are often used to treat infertility in women: Clomid (Clomiphene citrate) is prescribed to induce ovulation; however, it can be also used when a woman’s cycle is irregular or absent. A physician may also prescribe clomiphene to aid with endometriosis. Gonadotropins such as Gonal-F (follitropin alfa), Menopur (menotropins) and Bravelle (human chorionic gonadotropin [hCG]) stimulate egg production by triggering hormone release from an IV or injection pen.

    How Does IVF Work?
    It’s time to get down to business. IVF stands for in vitro fertilization, which literally means fertilization in glass. During an IVF cycle, sperm and eggs are united outside a woman’s body—in a laboratory dish (or several dishes)—and then transferred back into her womb. This process is sometimes referred to as test tube babies, but we prefer miracle babies.

    What Are My Options When I Don’t Respond to Clomid or Letrozole?
    An ovarian stimulation drug, clomiphene citrate (Clomid) or letrozole (Femara), is commonly used to induce ovulation and increase your chances of getting pregnant. But what happens if you don’t respond to Clomid or Letrozole? With fertility medications, many women do respond, but not all will. If you don’t see a response in three cycles on Clomid or one cycle on Letrozole, there are other drugs available to help boost your fertility.

    How Long Will Treatment Take and How Much Will It Cost?
    Gonal-F 900 iu costs about $1,000 a day when you purchase it from Avella. The medication requires a prescription and is only available for fertility treatments. To prevent multiple births, only one embryo is implanted at a time. Treatment with Gonal-F 900 iu can require up to two daily injections for about five days before an egg retrieval procedure and another two daily injections for about five days after an egg retrieval procedure until pregnancy occurs or no more eggs are retrieved. You might also experience some mild side effects such as bloating, mood swings, cramping and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). This is not a complete list of possible side effects; talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.

    Will Surgery Be Involved With IVF Treatment?
    In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a great way to get pregnant if you and your partner experience fertility problems. IVF combines egg retrieval with in vitro fertilization procedures to make pregnancy possible. The process involves stimulating ovulation through medication and retrieving eggs from a woman’s ovaries with a thin needle. These eggs will then be mixed with sperm in a laboratory dish and incubated for three to five days before being transferred back into your uterus via ICSI or IVF embryo transfer. If you have undergone an ovulation induction cycle without success, surgery may be involved with IVF treatment, especially if it was previously performed on you to retrieve your eggs during an earlier part of your reproductive life.

    How Likely Is Success with IVF Treatment?
    A number of factors determine how likely you and your partner are to succeed with IVF treatment. This is why it’s important to talk with a fertility specialist about your options. The good news is that medications and procedures have made strides in recent years, so today more people than ever before can benefit from in vitro fertilization. If you have any questions or concerns about fertility treatments, don’t hesitate to contact Avella Specialty Pharmacy at 1-800-868-4345.

    How Long Can I Wait Before Trying Again If Treatment Doesn’t Work Right Away?
    Because many IVF drugs and medications come with side effects, it’s important to discuss these possible side effects before you start your IVF treatment. Discuss your medication history with your physician or pharmacist and report any previous health conditions that you have or any medications you’re currently taking. While some treatments carry more serious risks than others, it’s important to remember that side effects vary from person to person.

    What Are Some Side Effects of IVF Treatments That I Should Know About Beforehand?
    Some IVF medications can cause weight gain and water retention, fatigue, headaches, mood swings and trouble sleeping. Some women also develop ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome as a result of fertility medications; if you do feel any serious side effects like shortness of breath or chest pain while on IVF meds, it’s important to talk to your doctor immediately.

    More details: https://ivfprescriptions.com/product/gonal-f-900iu-1-5-ml/

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